Kelvin Thomson
Composer, Arranger, Music Director,
Piano, Organ, Keyboard
Copyright © 2022 Kelvin Thomson
Two Bee (2012)
A compilation of works inspired by Sylvia Plath's 'The Arrival of the Bee Box'
Created for the Composer/Choreographer/Performer Collaboration Conference of Contemporary Music and Dance 2012, (Goldsmiths/IMR) Senate House UL, on the 19th April 2012.
Performers include:
Sarah Leonard-sop, Danae Eleni-sop
Enrico Bertelli-body percussion
Marilyn Wyers-Choreography and Dancer
Anitha Santhanam-Actress
Dickens Fragments (2012)
Rehearsal of 'Grotesque' and 'Drop the Curtain' at the Picture Gallery,
Royal Holloway, University of London
Chris Moon-Little bar, Laurie O'Brien pft
TiME before and TiME AFTER (2011)
First performance by CHROMA at the Windsor Auditorium, RHUL
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